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Teachers always want to have a track of their students and attendance plays a crucial role in tracking & understanding the student needs and requirements. Classe365 has an efficient Attendance module that will expedite the attendance process.

To go to the attendance module;
go to Modules—-> Attendance—-> Manage Attendance

Once in the attendance module page, we can select the manage as per the class, section, and date.

Once the class, section and date are selected mark the attendance as per the attendance legend in the page.
Note: The user can change the status and add new status as per the requirement.
The below snapshot shows the settings page where the user can make all the changes.

We can also set the Attendance Sessions/Meetings as per Subject or Multiple Sessions each day.

The Manage section allows the user/teacher to mark the attendance.

We also have the feature of sending absent notification to the student/parent via email/SMS. This section is at the bottom of the manage page.
An example is shown below:

Attendance Submission Analytics:
The Attendance submission analytics is used to track the attendance for the mentioned time. This file can be exported for future use in an Excel format.


I sincerely hope this article helps you understand our platform better, if you have any doubts please contact [email protected]


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